Understanding Human Behaviour and Motivation
The 8 Levels of Human Potential – Spiral Dynamics As a kid growing up I thought life was just dished up to us as it was and we had very little, or even no control over it at all. A sort of predetermined ‘Fate’ as it were. Then I discovered Personal Development and within 12…
The New Model of Leadership
Background Early in my coaching journey, I was taught about Clare Graves Spiral Dynamics model. At the time I only had a rudimentary understanding, but enough to be a powerful marketing tool, helping me understand the colours and language to use with each new client avatar. Over the following years as I sat in front…
Inspired Education for Living
Jim Carrey is an inspiration to so many people. His attitudes, beliefs and mindset are gold and can be heard in this speech laden with humour, at his recent commencement address for the Maharishi University of Management. Gold from the man in… gold? Much of his success he equates to the power of Visualisation and the Law of…
Great message in this: First Seek to Understand, before you Seek to be Understood.
Become so good at understanding that everyone you meet FEELS understood. It will transform your relationships.
Every Kid Needs a Champion
“I am somebody. I was somebody when I came. I’ll be a better somebody when I leave. I am powerful and I am strong. I deserve the education that I get here. I have things to do, people to impress, and places to go.” You say it long enough, it starts to be a part…