Understanding Human Behaviour and Motivation

Ross Pepper - Sep 2019

The 8 Levels of Human Potential – Spiral Dynamics As a kid growing up I thought life was just dished up to us as it was and we had very little, or even no control over it at all. A sort of predetermined ‘Fate’ as it were. Then I discovered…

The New Model of Leadership

Ross Pepper - Jun 2019

Background Early in my coaching journey, I was taught about Clare Graves Spiral Dynamics model. At the time I only had a rudimentary understanding, but enough to be a powerful marketing tool, helping me understand the colours and language to use with each new client avatar. Over the following years…

Inspired Education for Living

Ross Pepper - Nov 2015

Jim Carrey is an inspiration to so many people.  His attitudes, beliefs and mindset are gold and can be heard in this speech laden with humour, at his recent commencement address for the Maharishi University of Management.  Gold from the man in… gold? Much of his success he equates to the power of…

Great message in this: First Seek to Understand, before you Seek to be Understood.

Ross Pepper - Oct 2015

Become so good at understanding that everyone you meet FEELS understood. It will transform your relationships.

Every Kid Needs a Champion

Ross Pepper - Aug 2015

“I am somebody. I was somebody when I came. I’ll be a better somebody when I leave. I am powerful and I am strong. I deserve the education that I get here. I have things to do, people to impress,  and places to go.” You say it long enough, it…

7 Keys To Communication

Ross Pepper - Apr 2015

Communication, Conflict Resolution and Couples Therapy Basics. 1. Honesty Without honesty improving communication is impossible.  From here all things can begin.  A foundation of honesty shows respect and a willingness to move forward.  It also feeds directly in to the points below and becomes the foundation for any relationship. 2….

The Number 1 Cause of Success

Ross Pepper - Feb 2015

What do you think the Number 1 Cause of Success is?? Simple, it is… taking 100% responsibility! Some call it persistence, determination, or passion; but all those are the result of taking 100% responsibility.  If you don’t yet have the result you want, what are you going to do about that?  Nothing?  Then…

What do you think the Number 1 Cause of Success is??

Ross Pepper - Feb 2015

Simple, it is… taking 100% responsibility! Some call it persistence, determination, or passion; but all those are the result of taking 100% responsibility.  If you don’t yet have the result you want, what are you going to do about that? Nothing? Then we both know the result you have right…

The FEAR of Public Speaking

Ross Pepper - Sep 2014

In this month’s Toastmasters magazine I read the quote of the month… “The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public.”  – Entertainer George Jessel What a great quote.  Such a true experience for so many first time speakers….

Procrastinators Unite… Tomorrow

Ross Pepper - Aug 2014

All jokes aside, tomorrow (Sat 23rd) is the final SBFV event for 2014 that I will be hosting. It has been a wonderful journey and a lot of Small Business Owners have taken away a heap on new skills and knowledge to apply to their businesses. I want to acknowledge…